If your vehicle has broken down and you require emergency assistance, the first step is to contact your personal roadside assistance provider. This is often included with your motor insurance policy or may be linked to your bank account. Providers like the AA, RAC, or others will typically offer support.
For owners of Citroën, Peugeot, or ISUZU vehicles, here are the specific emergency contact details for each brand:
In the event of a breakdown call Citroën Roadside Assistance on 0800 197 2046, lines are open 24 hours a day across the UK and Europe.
Citroën provide cover in these situations:
Petrol, Diesel & Hybrid vehicles: All new Citroëns are covered, free of charge, for 12 months starting from the date of registration.
Electric vehicles: Are covered, free-of-charge, for 3 years or 100,000 (whichever occurs first), starting from the date of registration.
In the event of a breakdown call Peugeot Roadside Assistance on 0800 294 0294, lines are open 24 hours a day across the UK and Europe.
Peugeot provide cover in these situations:
Petrol, Diesel & Hybrid vehicles: All new Peugeots are covered, free of charge, for 12 months starting from the date of registration.
Electric vehicles: Are covered, free-of-charge, for 8 years or 100,000 (whichever occurs first), starting from the date of registration.
In the event of a breakdown call ISUZU Roadside Assistance on 0800 777 167, lines are open 24 hours a day across the UK and Europe.
ISUZU provide cover in these situations:
All new ISUZUs are covered, free of charge, for 5 years starting from the date of registration.
Remember, having a reliable roadside assistance plan can make a significant difference in how quickly and efficiently you handle a breakdown. Stay prepared and safe!